KS3 to Degree level
Online: 1 hour / 2 hours / 5 x 1 hour workshop series In person: 2 - 6 hours
Participants will learn:
the historical context of Commedia dell’Arte, the origins and theatrical relevance of each character
specific exaggerated movement, voice and mannerisms for the characters, using the breath, grammelot (gibberish language that imitates dialects), masks and props
the key principles of mask work and the imperative for the actor-audience relationship
the relationships between the characters, exploring classic lazzi (comic gags), burle or meccanismi (rehearsed comic sequences between two or more characters)
Online workshops:
We will cover the movement, mannerisms and behaviour of the stock characters of the Commedia dell’Arte: Zanni (including Arlecchino, Columbina and Brighella), Pantalone, Il Dottore, Il Capitano and The Lovers.
Much will be covered through demonstration of the characters with masks. Where practical, students are encouraged to join in to explore the physicality. Longer online sessions will enable students to work together on character scenes in online ‘breakout’ rooms.
It is preferable for the students to have Commedia masks to work with and thanks to mask makers Wintercroft, students can now make their own Commedia mask(s) at home. Wintercroft have designed four commedia character masks that can be made from cardboard in less than an hour - an ideal precursor activity that can be easily led by a teacher.
In person workshops:
The advantage of a workshop that takes place in person in your classroom, is that the actual masks can be used* and skills specific to mask work can be learnt. Relationships are explored in detail with classic pairings e.g. Master and servant, doctor and patient, dumb and dumber fools, in order to deepen the understanding of the masks. Staging and the relationship with the audience are considered throughout along with comic devices to allow the masks to work effectively.
*Clients can choose to either:
use our plastic masks that are cleaned and prepared vigilantly by us before the workshop to ensure infection control, or
to combine with a cardboard mask making activity using four commedia dell’arte mask templates that have been specifically designed for teaching purposes by mask makers Wintercroft.
We will contact you to discuss full details.