Out of the shed


There is nothing I love more (well almost…) than #laughingmysocks off whilst getting hot and sweaty in the #RehearsalShed!  The shed has become our second home, and something of a haven from the stresses of the outside world; a place where absurdity and hilarity are unleashed, and for the past few months it has been a hive of activity as we have been devising, honing and refining our new commedia dell’arte show, The Breath of Love. It has been my great pleasure to work with three fabulous and highly skilled actors: John Broadbent who has several decades of experience in commedia dell’arte, having trained with Carlo Boso and being co-founder of The Fortunati Commedia Troupe; Mark Reid, an Aussie born clown with extensive physical theatre experience and most recent to join us is James Anderson, a wonderful comic actor, musician and teacher. We are gearing up for our launch on Friday 13th September… it will be lucky for us. I’m not superstitious. Prove me right and get yourself a ticket or three! We will be proudly opening the #StroudTheatreFestival @stroudtheatre – now the biggest theatre festival in Gloucestershire!


We are performing right in the centre of town @thesubrooms with shows on Friday at 1pm and 8pm. On Saturday, we have a show at 1.30pm and then we will be running an intensive 2 hour commedia dell’arte workshop – this is a great chance for you to explore the masks, learn about the characters and learn a few slapstick physical gags. Bag yourself a £12 combined show-workshop ticket for that! Our final festival show is on Sunday at 6.30pm. You can book tickets for the shows and the workshop through the #StroudTheatreFestival website (linked to above).  Hope to see you there! Do come and say ‘hi’ afterwards – we love to meet our audiences.

You can now follow our photo stories on Instagram as well: https://www.instagram.com/learningmasks/


What is the origin of Bouffon?


Stop the testing, teach life skills!